Hallie Beattie, Director
Community Development Department
457 E. Main Street, Suite 406
New Iberia, LA 70560-3700
Phone: (337) 369-2350
Fax: (337) 369-2398
The City of New Iberia’s Housing Choice Voucher Program
The City of New Iberia will accept all applications for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program (Section 8) on:
Dates: October 8, 2024, and October 9, 2024
(You must be present on October 8th to be given a time slot for your application)
Time: 8:30-11:30 a.m. & 1:30-3:30 p.m.
PLACE: Martin Luther King Center, Went End Park, 1200 Field Street, New Iberia, Louisiana
The HCV Program is a federally funded program which supplements the rental payments of extremely low and very low-income families. Rental Assistance payments are made to the property owner by the City of New Iberia on behalf of the family. The Program is funded by the Department of Housing & Urban Development.
Applicants who reside outside of the City of New Iberia will be required to lease a unit within our jurisdiction for one year before using portability.
200 applications will be accepted (all bedroom sizes). The head of household must bring a current photo I.D. A social security card and birth certificate for the head of household must also be presented.
After October 9, 2024: If fewer than 200 applications are received, additional applications will be accepted starting October 16, 2024, at the HCV Office, 457 East Main St. Suite 406, from 1:30-4:00 p.m. each Wednesday afternoon.
Waitlist Preference: Elderly or Disabled Household (Head of Household or spouse)
Any persons with mobility, hearing or visual impairment requiring special accommodations are requested to contact the HCV Office at (337) 369-2350 at least three days in advance.
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program is the federal government’s major program for assisting extremely low and very-low-income families, the elderly and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants can find their own housing, including single-family homes, townhomes, and apartments. The participant is free to choose any housing in the private market that meets the requirements of the programs. The City of New Iberia receives federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to administer the voucher program. A family that is issued a housing voucher is responsible for finding a suitable housing unit of the family’s choice where the owner agrees to rent under the program. This unit may include the family’s present residence. Rental units must meet minimum standards of health and safety, as determined by the Housing Authority. A housing subsidy is paid to the landlord directly by the Housing Authority on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.
Who is eligible (Admission Requirements)? Eligibility for a housing voucher is determined based on the total annual gross income and family size and is limited to US citizens and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status. Applicants must also pass a criminal background screening and cannot be subject to a lifetime sex offender registration. The family’s income may not exceed 50% of the median income established for Iberia Parish.
How do I Apply? When the determination is made to accept applications, the City of New Iberia’s HCV Program advertises through advertisement in the local newspaper and this website, stating the date(s), location and all other pertinent information needed to apply. Since the demand for housing assistance often exceeds the limited funding available to the PHA, long waiting periods are common. It is currently taking two years between application intakes. The Housing Authority does not provide emergency housing. The HCV waiting list is currently CLOSED.
Family's Obligation: When a family selects a housing unit, and the program approves the unit and lease, the family signs a lease with the landlord for one year. The family may be required to pay a security deposit to the landlord. After the first year, the landlord may initiate a new lease or allow the family to remain in the unit on a month-to-month lease. When the family is settled in a new home, the family is expected to comply with the lease and the program requirements, pay its share of rent on time, maintain the unit in good condition, and notify the Housing Authority of any changes in income or family composition.
Landlord’s Obligation: The role of the landlord in the HCV program is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant at a reasonable rent. The dwelling unit must pass the program’s housing quality standards and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments. In addition, the landlord is expected to provide the services agreed to as part of the lease signed with the tenant and the contract signed with the HCV Program.
How does the HCV Program benefit the landlord?
Vacant units can drain an owner’s resources as the expenses continue despite the lack of revenue. Vacant units are an invitation to vandalism and security problems which create an undesirable and unsafe environment for the neighborhood as a whole. Because of this, vacant units drive down property values.
The Section 8 program is an opportunity for landlords to rent their units at fair market value while providing safe, decent, and affordable housing to low-income families in the community.
There are many benefits to the landlord:
As long as the tenant and the unit remain in good standing with the program, the landlord has the assurance of timely assistance payments paid directly to them each month by the Housing Authority.
The program provides protection against tenants’ loss of income. If the tenant experiences a decrease in their household income, their assistance increases so the tenant can afford to stay in the unit.
The HCV Program also inspects the unit prior to move-in, annually and at the special request of the tenant or landlord to ensure that the unit meets minimum inspection standards.
Most assisted tenants remain in one unit for several years giving the tenant a stable home environment and the landlord less turnover and vacancy loss.
Doing business with the HCV Program is good business for the landlord and the community!
Click for HCV Landlord Resources: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing/programs/hcv/landlord
Landlord Briefing Sessions
The City of New Iberia’s HCV Program is now offering in person Owner Briefing Sessions. This is an opportunity for owners and property managers to learn more about the HCV Program. In the meeting we explain important information about the program, inspections and answer any questions you may have.
This session is conducted every Wednesday afternoon, by appointment only.
Please contact our office at (337)369-2350 or email hbeattie@cityofnewiberia.com to reserve your day and time. Times will be available between the hours of 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Contact us today if you would like to list your rental property!
Report Program Abuse
If you suspect someone is fraudulently receiving rental assistance, you can report it to the City of New Iberia’s HCV Program. You must report program abuse in writing. You may submit your report anonymously, all information provided is confidential.
Additional Resources:
Your Rights Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications:
Watch out for Lead Based Paint
Program Contact
Phone: (337) 369-2350 Fax: (337) 369-2398
457 E. Main Street Room 406 New Iberia, LA 70560
Hallie Beattie Housing Director hbeattie@cityofnewiberia.com
Robin Armentor Housing Coordinator rarmentor@cityofnewiberia.com
Felicia Menard Housing Inspector fmenard@cityofnewiberia.com