Pretrial Diversion is an alternative to prosecution for qualifying non-violent offenders which benefits the public and the offender. Offenders that enter the program are supervised by this office while they complete the conditions of their agreement, thus deterring future criminal behavior. The offender pays the cost of the program plus any restitution that may be owed to victims. Participants are referred to various educational or vocational courses, personal or group counseling and to other community agencies appropriate to their needs.
Community Advantages to this program
· Minimize loss to victim through payment of restitution by the offender.
· Reduces the size of court dockets which saves time and money for the court system.
· Protects the community by closely supervising the accused from the time they enter the program until final disposition of the case.
General Criteria for Participating in this Program
· Refrain from criminal behavior
· Must be willing to participate in the program
· Must perform all the required conditions of the program
Selection Process
Qualified participants are referred and accepted into the pretrial diversion program. The case is screened to determine if the offender meets the criteria for the program. The defendant is sent a letter informing them of the program. Pretrial Diversion is a voluntary program and offenders may choose to consult with an attorney before entering pretrial diversion.
Participant's Responsibilities
· Meet monthly with a Pretrial Diversion Officer.
· Follow payment schedule set up by the officer.
· Complete community service assigned to be done at a non-profit organization to be approved by the officer.
· Attend any required substance, mental health, anger management, gambling evaluation or any other community referral as a condition of the program.
· Submit to random drug screens at the discretion of the Pretrial Diversion Officer.
When the terms and conditions are completed, the case is dismissed. Cases vary on length of supervision depending on the severity of the crime that was committed.