The goal of this campaign is to have involvement from the local community in order to change out the norm surrounding the use of guns/violence. We must publicly support policies that will keep guns out of the hands of our kids, violent, severely mentally ill individuals, criminals, and drug abusers that are gaining easy access to firearms.
We must hold parents accountable for minors’ actions pertaining to guns/gun violence.
This will be achieved by creating interactive partnerships between law enforcement agencies, their officers, and the people they serve. By developing connections within the community, police are better informed and equipped to solve public safety issues. Community policing works when law enforcement agencies work closely and collaboratively with their communities. Building strong relationships, finding common ground across political lines using social media, and various forms of mass communication are tools and strategies that should be used to empower our citizens and officers to solve our gun violence issues.
Yard signs are now available for pickup at City Hall on the third floor.
Through the City of New Iberia App for smart devices, you can access the NIPD Portal. You can submit tips through the Iberia Parish Crime Stoppers, or submit a tip directly to the NIPD, and it's all anonymous. Download it to your smart device through the Apple App Store or Google Store. QR code below for your convenience.